Hatikvah Beat Boxing Video! Happy Birthday Israel!
In celebration of Israel’s 61st birthday, may I present to you Dewdrop Films’ latest collaboration video, “Hope Remixed.” Together with artists and activists from around the world, this “Hativkah” Beat-Boxing video is an expression of hope and optimism, with a new beat. In a time when the image of Israel is too often of war and conflict, “Hope Remixed” celebrates Israel’s diversity, beauty, history, and modernity.
Celebrate with Israel! SEND this video to your family, friends, Facebook friends, tweeters, and any other social networks! And, SHARE your own experiences and messages of hope! UPLOAD your video/photo montage to www.youtube.com/hoperemixed or text it to hoperemixed898@m.youtube.com.
The best video will win my new favorite toy - the Flip MinoHD camera!
This video was produced by Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, and will be sent to their various networks, including Hillel professionals, Birthright alumni, Hillel Latin America, FSU, and Israel Fellows. I was honored to be asked to direct their video for the "ICare" campaign to humanize Israel. We are trying to reach 50,000 views for Israel’s birthday, but I say we strive for 61,000!
Happy Birthday Israel! You don't look a day over 60!